Sunshine Pavillion

Sunshine Pavillion

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Merry Christmas:Original it's a small world '64 Lyrics

Merry Christmas to all my readers out there! I know it's a little early but I wanted to get one last post up before I become busy with Christmas and New Year's. To celebrate the season of peace on Earth and goodwill to men,I have a special treat for everyone:The original 5 it's a small world song lyrics.

The Easy Ones

Now the English version is obviously the most easy to find. It's the original language the song was written in and it's heard by people all over the world. It's presented here for completion's sake.

It's a world of laughter, a world of tears
It's a world of hopes and a world of fears
There's so much that we share, that it's time we're aware
It's a small world after all

It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small, small world

There is just one moon and one golden sun
And a smile means friendship to everyone
Though the mountains divide, and the oceans are wide

It's a small world after all

The second easiest to find was the Japanese version of the song. It's the primary version of the song at Tokyo Disneyland and thus,is easily available online and is,again,presented merely for completion's sake.

笑いあり 涙あり




The Hard Ones

These last three versions were the ones that were the versions that required work to find. The problem came primarily from misinformation spread on the internet about the lyrics. If you look up the Spanish lyrics to "it's a small world",you're going to find the Disneyland Paris lyrics. That's great,but unfortunately,the original Spanish lyrics have some differences. But thanks to some of my relatives and myself,I can present the correct lyrics. Here is the original 1964 version:

En el mundo hay risas y dolor
Esperanza,fe, ven y también temor
Mucho hay en verdad,que poder compartir 
Entre la humanidad

Muy pequeño el mundo es
Muy pequeño el mundo es
Debe haber más hermandad 
Muy pequeño es

Una luna hay sólo hay un sol
Para todos brillan sin excepción
Aunque el monte alto es y es muy ancho el mar
Muy pequeño el mundo es

The last two,Swedish and Italian,were the hardest of all. I searched high and low for the original lyrics. Disneyland Paris's Italian lyrics are commonly available on line,but the '64 and '92 version are entirely different from each other. However,I inadvertently struck gold when I bought Tokyo Disneyland's 2004 It's a Small World CD and in the booklet,all the 5 versions were printed. There were some typos and errors,but now I can safely say that these are the original,correct lyrics:

Det finns fröjd i världen och sorg ibland
Det finns hopp i vår värld och ängslan minsann
Vi har mycket gemensamt som vi måste förstå
Det är en liten värld ändå

Världen liten är ändå
Världen liten är ändå
Världen liten är ändå
Det är en liten värld

Det finns bara en måne och en gyllene sol
Och ett leende som är vår vänskaps symbol
Över berg,haven blå,här hälsning ni får
Det är en liten,liten värld 

One thing to note for the Italian version is that some words omit "o's" and "e's" at their end for purely musical purposes. For instance,"love" in Italian is typically "amore" but for this song,as well as other songs and poems,it is simply "amor".

C'è speranza ovunque e paura ancor
C'è tristezza e gioia,c'è odio e amor
Persuaderci dobbiam che in un mondo viviam
Ch'è piccino per davver

E' lo stesso ovunque siam
Stessi affanni e gioie abbiam
Questo mondo in cui viviam
E' piccin davver

Son gli stessi il sole e la luna in ciel
E l'amor non cambia col parallel
Ci potrann separar le montagna ed il mar
Ma è piccino il mondo inver

So,there you guys have it. I'm hoping that this article helps stop the spread of misinformation about the original it's a small world lyrics. So until next time: Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Buon Natale ! メリークリスマス! God Jul!