Sunshine Pavillion

Sunshine Pavillion

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room and The Tropical Serenade

One thing that has interested me lately is the differences between two sister attractions:The Enchanted Tiki Room and the Tropical Serenade.

While to many people these attractions may seem the same,for the most part,the shows seem to have some differentiation.Even the fact that the two had different names suggests that fact.

The Outside and Preshow

The first obvious difference is the building itself.Disneyland's building is a lot smaller than Disney World's.However both seem to be based on a Haus Tambaran,a New Guinean ancestral worship house.Walt Disney World's is actually a Balinese Temple.Marc Davis's love for New Guinea and his knowledge of tribal oceanic arts probably led to the building's designs.The two preshows are also different: Disneyland's is an introduction to many Polynesian gods and godesses,who are all realized in Rolly Crump's bizarre and whimsical Tikis. Walt Disney World's preshow consists of Pele and Hina,two tiki goddesses, summoning a Tiki god sitting in a bunch of oranges,who on his horns are perched a comical pair of toucans,Clyde and Claude,who talk about the Jungle Cruise.However,these are all obvious differences but inside there are many more subtle differences.

A Haus Tambaran

The Show

Truth be told,if you just listened to the show at Disneyland and Walt Disney World, you wouldn't find any differences because at least audio-wise they are the exact same show.But,when it comes to watching the show there are some differences to be found.

The first major difference is how much bigger Florida's is with 8 totems and 20 tiki drumers.Also,Florida's has new windows with fake plants,real water rain effect,lightning,and a volcano.

The second major difference is the fountain.Disneyland's base clearly reflects the fact that it was originally supposed to be a utensils container.Florida's,however ,has a sort of bowl with Marc Davis-style tiki faces spraying water into it.

Another difference is that Disneyland's fountain has pineapples in it and Disney World's had oranges in it.The two fruits represented the shows' sponsors:Dole and the Florida Citrus Growers,respectively.

Michael or Pierre?

The thing that really got be thinking about this is one thing I noticed that it seems nobody really talks about.And the thing is:at Walt Disney World Michael sings with Jose instead of Pierre in the Enchanted Tiki Room's titular song.While some people might just say "Who cares" as someone who has been seriously researching Disney theme park history for a while I found it pretty interesting.

This discovery lead me to wondering why they would make a change like this.At first I wondered if it had anything to due with just a mistake on WED's part but it seemed unlikely.Then,I thought maybe the Florida Citrus growers had a hand in it but this also seemed unlikely.Finally,it hit me:perhaps they wanted to give Michael more prominence in the show.And this theory seems to make sense.In the original Disneyland show,it has always seemed to be that Michael has the least amount of lines in the show.Jose and Fritz always seem to say several Wally Boag one-liners every chance they get and Pierre talks a lot too.However,Michael always seems to talk less.This is perhaps because they couldn't think of enough Irish-related jokes for him to make.
Pana-Vue Slides from Walt Disney World

Let's All Sing Like the Birdies Sing

One other difference I noticed between the two shows was in the celebrity sequence of Let's All Sing Like the Birdies Sing song.In the original version of the sequence Jose does Bing Crosby,Fritz does Louis Armstrong,and Pierre does Maurice Chevalier.However,in the Tropical Serenade,Pierre does Bing Crosby,Michael does Louis Armstrong,and Jose does Maurice Chevalier.I think the reason for the change is obvious.The joke of Pierre doing Maurice Chevalier is lost on the fact that its a Frenchman impersonating a Frenchman so switching the voices around makes the gag funnier.

Now as long as you're all standing

We have a wonderful magic trick for you

Ya!A wunderbar trick!And the trick is we gonna make you all


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